14 Tourism in Indonesia That is Suitable For a Vacation 

The holidays are one of the most surefire way to release stress resulting from routine and dull. No need travelling abroad or spend money on expensive shopping centers, because Indonesia also got lots of interesting places are waiting for you to explore soon. The tour starts from the sea and the beaches, mountains, lakes, forests, and many others, can all be easily found in the land of the Emerald of the equator. Well, from Sabang to Merauke, there is a list of attractions that are suitable destination on holiday with family, among others:

1. Sumurtiga – Sabang Beach

Sumurtiga – Sabang Beach

Let's start the exploration from the westernmost Indonesia, Sabang. Here there are many interesting sights that you visited, one of them is the Sumurtiga Beach is in the town of Sabang, Aceh Province. This white sandy beach has a long coastline with its water-colored light blue, complete with Palm trees are scattered along the shore. No wonder if many people call Sumurtiga Beach as his Hawaiian Sabang. In addition to surf and enjoy the beauty of underwater snorkel with air-ria, you too can stay in cottages in the vicinity of the beach. Once cool, isn't it?

2. Lake Toba North Sumatra

Lake Toba North Sumatra

You are certainly not already familiar with the sights on this one, isn't it? Yes, the beauty of Lake Toba Samosir island in the middle is indeed managed to attract the attention of tourists, not only locally but also internationally. 

Lake Toba is itself a giant Lake formed in the result of volcanic activity. The Lake has a length of 100 km and a width of 30 km and is touted as the most beautiful volcanic Lake owned by Indonesia. Not only the beauty that attracts tourism, here visitors can also explore the area of pine forest around the Lake, enjoy warm baths, and frolic around the waterfall.

Already? Wait a minute, on Samosir island there are 2 village also could not escape the attention of travellers, i.e. Tomok and Tuk. At Tomok, you can visit the tomb of King Sidabutar, Batak, Museum and see a puppet show Batak-gale. Want to stay overnight here? There are plenty of cheap lodging in Tuk you can set as reference. Once complete, isn't it?

3. The Canyon Sianok – Bukittinggi

The Canyon Sianok – Bukittinggi

If you have satisfied roam the land of North Sumatra, now it's your turn to walking to the West Sumatra town of Bukittinggi, at. Yes, the city with the natural hilly relief is indeed has many beautiful sights that passed, one is the Canyon Sianok. 

For the uninitiated, the Canyon Sianok is a narrow valley with steep craggy hills around him. In the middle of the Valley is mengalirlah small streams that make the more amazing views. Here, in addition to cycling, trekking, or sightseeing, you can enjoy the serenity of silence offered Sianok Canyon. Because the atmosphere is so calming that these sights are also called Valley of the Reticent. If it had a chance to crawl Bukittinggi, don't forget to stop by here, Yes!

4. the Kampar River in Riau Province

The Kampar River in Riau Province

Ever imagine what it was like not surfing on the river? Yes, we do indeed know surfing aka surfing as a sport of water that can only be done on the beach with big waves. If you play to Riau, all theories above would easily indisputable. Because there is one in Riau, a very fitting made arena surfing with friends, namely the Kampar River.

Famous for its waves of Bono can reach a height of 6 metres, a River located in the Bay of Meranti, Regency, Riau Palalawan, this is a destination that is suitable to satisfy the cravings of your surfing. Many foreign surfers who willingly away comes to Riau for the sake of the waves of a river that could be located exactly on the Equator line. How, are interested in testing the adrenaline rush here?

5. the Anambas – Karachi

the Anambas – Karachi

In the Riau Islands, there is one place of interest with a view of nature that is so charming and not to be missed when visiting here. Yes, what else if not the Anambas Islands? As well as Raja Ampat, sights in 2013 and then never awarded as Best Tropical Islands in the Asian version of CNN is indeed harboring so much untouched beauty of human hands. Sea Blue with soft white sand and beautiful coral reefs are guaranteed will enchant anyone who is visiting here. It is said that it was so beautiful, the scenery here to beat the Maldives! Ready to vacation here?

6. Beach Parai Mackerel  Bangka Belitung 

Beach Parai Mackerel – Bangka Belitung 

You certainly have already witnessed a phenomenal film Laskar Pelangi Belitong island set in, isn't it? In addition to the storyline, what's interesting from that movie? Yes, of course the location of filming. In Belitung (local ordinary people call it Belitong) there are indeed many beautiful beach with boulders as big as houses scattered across the beach, Parai Beach one is Mackerel. In contrast to other beaches in General, Parai Beach structure represents the Mackerel ramps with seawater in green toska and soft white sand. Not only that, the surf beaches are quiet also the reason tourists are happy with the swim. In addition, you can also swim fishing, parasailing, diving, snorkeling, and much more. Come on, a vacation to Bangka Belitung! 

7. Way Kambas National Park  Lampung

Way Kambas National Park  Lampung

It is believed that around 200 Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranensis) live in the National Park. Sumatran elephant is one of the three recognized subspecies of the Asian Elephant, and native to the island of Sumatra. In General, the Asian elephant is smaller compared to Africa and has the highest points of the body on the head. Among the Asian elephant, Sumatran elephant is the smallest, with shoulder height ranging between 2 m and 3.2 m (10.5 ft 6.6 ft.). Wild elephants of Sumatra that was previously found in eight provinces of Sumatra. However, the dense vegetation and tropical rainforest puzzler makes it difficult to estimate the exact number of them.

It was officially established in 1985, the elephant trainingcenter, which is located 9 km from the Park's entrance SignIjo, is an establishment that aims to protect elephants and atthe same time create mutual benefit for both the elephantand humans. The training center also reminded at the timeof the King or sultan ruled Sumatra, when the elephantswere trained and deployed in a war and ceremonialpurposes as well. Here, visitors can observe the elephantsperform a variety of tasks such as hauling wood or plowing arice field. They can also perform odd as playing football orother entertaining performances. 

8. Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park  East Java 

 Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park  East Java

East Java have one enchantment that undeniable beauty,even by the tourists from different parts of the world. Yes,what else if not the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park?Tourist attractions in the form of a national park is located inthe 4th district in East Java itself has many interesting objectsare not to be missed, from Mount Bromo and semeru, a seaof sand, the beach of Madakaripura Waterfall, Whispers,Ranu Pane, Ranu Kumbolo, and others which are all beautiful. Access to the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park this is quite easy, you justhave to follow the route to Mt. Bromo. Although the courseis quite extreme, will all be paid off completely if you've gotthe location. 

9. Pura Luhur Uluwatu  Bali 

Pura Luhur Uluwatu  Bali 

Bali is known as the island of a thousand Temples sincethere's an awful lot of the temple as a place of worship tothe gods, one of them is Pura Luhur Uluwatu is located inPecatu village, Kuta, Badung, Bali. The temple itself is locatedon top of a steep rock with a height of approximately 97metres from sea level. From the top of the cliff, visitors canwitness the splendor of the blue of the Indian Ocean as faras the eye can see. Not only that, the layout of the temple issituated in the southwestern tip of the island of Bali makesthese sights as well as the location of most tourists acrossBali to see the sunset. Watu Temple also known as the bestplace to see the show the Kecak dance is usually started at18.15 exactly when the Sun begins to return to its restingplace. 

10. Gili Trawangan  West Nusa Tenggara

Gili Trawangan  West Nusa Tenggara

Besides Bali, other provinces in Indonesia which is oftenvisited by foreign tourists is the West Nusa Tenggara.Understandably enough, here there are countless naturalattractions are not less beautiful and attractive. You certainlyhave heard about the charm of Gili Trawangan in West Nusa Tenggara, isn'tit? Yes, Gili Trawangan does have a beach with an exotic panorama. Anyone visiting here will certainly Bewitched withits natural beauty. A blend of blue sky, sparkling clear seawater exposed to the reflected light of the Sun, fine whitesand and a tub of tapestry will increasingly refine your holiday together with your loved ones here. This beach alsohad an amazing underwater enchantment, lho. If you crave amore quiet beach atmosphere, come to the beach on theWest side because the atmosphere here is not as many asthe coast of Gili Trawangan in a crowded East side by the activity of local citizens. 

11. Mount Rinjani  Lombok, NTB

Mount Rinjani  Lombok, NTB

In addition to Gili Trawangan, on the NTB is also one of theother attractions are not less popular among tourists, i.e.Mount Rinjani. This mountain is the second highestvolcanoes are there in Indonesia. Each year, there arehundreds of thousands of climbers who battled conquerRinjani 3,726 at the height of the mdpl, especially at themoment ahead of the August 17. Allegedly, mount Rinjani isa mountain with views of the beautiful Asia. Here there arealso floral edelweiss and Lake Segara Anak which isinteresting to spot the climbers to erect the tent, a warmbath, or fish. Well, before you decide to climb, makepreparation sematang possible. Not only is the stock climb,but also mental and stamina. Most climbers gave up in themiddle of the road because it didn't have a maturedpreparation. 

12. Wakatobi  South East Sulawesi 

Wakatobi  South East Sulawesi 

Wakatobi is one of the districts of South East Sulawesi withpanoramic views of nature that was so riveting. Wakatobi isan acronym of the names of the great island was there:Wanci, Tomia, Kaledupa, Binongko and. In addition to havinga landscape with a blue and white sandy beaches, charming,Wakatobi is also famous as the place of the blacksmithscame from. 

Allegedly, machetes and knives made by theinhabitants of the Wakatobi is more pungent, powerful, andantikarat. Therefore, these sights also got the nicknameTukangbesi Islands. Well, one of the favorite touristattraction here is the Hoga. This island has a very lovely,beautiful, and cool because there are lots of beach Palmtrees and pinusnya. In addition, many here also there is acottage with a design typical of rumah adat Buton. For youwho like to honeymoon Island, Wakatobi is fitting. 

13. Bunaken Marine Park  Manado, North Sulawesi 

Bunaken Marine Park  Manado, North Sulawesi 

Indonesia has many marine parks with beautiful views gorgeous, one of which is the Bunaken marine park locatedin North Sulawesi province. The park itself is an area ofconservation of coral reefs and other marine life with anarea of 890.65 km that serve tourist attractions and is opento the public. Because it is located in the Coral triangle, here we will easily find 390 species of coral reefs and 90 speciesof fish, reptiles, mammals, and mollusks. All the beautyunder the sea can be enjoyed with a snorkel. To this day,remains the Bunaken Marine Park tourist destinationshighlights that cannot be missed when visiting the Manado.A bit of advice if you want to visit here, come around may toAugust because in those months sea water are very clearand the temperature while being. 

14. Raja Ampat – West Papua

Raja Ampat – West Papua

Raja Ampat Islands in West Papua save tremendous tourism potential. Allegedly,these sights was the best underwater dive sites in the world because of the variety of under water fauna and flora. According to the researchers, 75% of coral reefs around the world are found in Raja Ampat. No wonderif many foreign travelers infatuated with beauty tour Raja Ampat. If visiting here, try a stay at pinisi contained on site.Although the price is pretty expensive ($ 14 million for thepeople during the week), you will get an unforgettable sight seeing experience. Access to the Raja Ampat quiteeasily, from Domine Eduard Osok in Sorong, proceed with using public transport heading to the port of Sorong. Don't forget, here you must register in order to enter the tourist area of Raja Ampat. From the port of Sorong, you can take aboat people heading to the capital of Raja Ampat and finding cheap lodging there. Well, to the location of the dive, you can rent a speedboat provided around the site. 

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