The History Of Borneo

The island of Borneo (Kalimantan) is the third largest island in the world after Greenland and the Island of New Guinea. Total area of the island of Borneo is 736,000 KM 2. The island of Borneo, there is also the mountain path to the Northeast with the highest mountain is Mount Kinabalu with peaks as high as 4,175 m. island is tropical wet with average temperature 24-25 degrees centigrade and bypassed by the line of the equator.

Note that the Gentiles are already in touch with residents on the island of Borneo is from about the 1st century AD.

Based on historical artifacts relics which had been discovered, that the most ancient artifacts found on the island of Borneo it is artifacts from the Kingdom of Kutai IE from the 4th century a.d. the hindu band, located on the East coast of the island These. Even based on the findings of this historical artifact, the artifact that the Kingdom of Kutai is the oldest artifact findings in this Archipelago.

In the 8th century a.d. the Kingdom of Srivijaya was once influential along the West coast of the island of Borneo and in 14th century Majapahit influential M almost all over the island.

At the beginning of the 16th century M Europeans began arriving on the island of Borneo.

Based on the record of Europeans mentioned that the first Europeans who came to this island of Borneo was the one Italy named Ludovico de Verthana, namely in the year 1507 M which is then followed by a Portuguese named Laurenco de Gomez on year 1518 M constantly overtaken by people named Ferdinand Magellen Spain in 1519 in trip around the world, and then followed by the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and France. From Europeans this is then name of Borneo known since the 15th century a.d. the name Borneo it is derived from the name of Borneol tree {Latin: Dryobalanops camphora) containing (C10H17. Oh) terpetin, antiseptic material for or is used to perfume and camphor camphor wood, which grows in Borneo, [1] [2] and then by traders from Europe called the Borneo island or the island of borneol, producer of the term Europeans the name of the Kingdom of Brunei, because by that time the Kingdom of Brunei is the most dominant Kingdoms/largest in the island so that any stranger who comes across this island, will visit Brunei [3] and then the name of Brunei became an icon for the island, which was later dipelatkan by the tongue of Europeans into Borneo who then continued to be used until the Netherlands colonial rule which is "island of Borneo".

On 7 July 1607 Netherlands Expedition led by Koopman Gillis Michaelszoon arrived in Banjarmasin, but the entire population killed HER as revenge for the seizure by DUTCH against two jung banjarese anchored in Banten tanun 1595. In the year 1612 in the Sultan Mustain Billah, the Netherlands came to Banjarmasin to punish the Sultanate Banjarmasin the incident shattered and shoot 1607 Banjar (kampung Kraton) in Kuin, so the capital of the Kingdom of Banjar moved from Banjarmasin to Martapura.

Based on an existing document that the first written Treaty between Europeans with the inhabitants of the island of Borneo in do in 1609 M i.e. trade agreements between the trading companies i.e. the VOC Netherlands Panembahan of Sambas with the King that is the Queen of Sapudak Although later that trade relations between the two sides is not growing.

The agreement deals with the second VOC Kingdoms on the island of Borneo is with the Sultanate, signed Banjarmasin on 4 September of the year 1635 in the Sultan Inayatullah. The content of the contract was, among other things, that in addition about the purchase of pepper and about customs, VOC will also help the Sultanate of Banjar to face attacks from the outside. VOC activity then more developed in the East compared to the West of the island of Borneo, namely because the eastern side of the island of Borneo near the center of the world i.e. pepper the Maluku islands.

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