The History Of West Nusa Tenggara

According to the Chronicle of Lombok, Lombok's oldest Kingdom called Kingdom of Laeq. But another source stated, that Lombok's oldest Kingdom was a Kingdom Babad built and ruled by King Betara Senses, as mentioned in Babad Chronicle. After the Kingdom of the Babad appears Kingdom of Lombok. In the 9 – 11 stand Royal the Sasak and ended after conquered by one of the kingdoms in Bali at the time.

In addition, some kingdoms that once stood on the island of Lombok is Pejanggik, Langko, Bayan, Samarkaton and Liberating Sokong, called last during two periods namely Selaparang Hindu period/pre-Islam from the 13th century that ended with the arrival of the the expedition of Majapahit Kingdom in the year 1357. And historically, the Islamic period that appeared in the 16th century and ended about 1740 M after it was conquered by the combined forces of the Kingdom of Karang Asem, Bali and Banjarmasin Brittle.

After the expedition of Majapahit under Admiral Nala to Lombok and Dompu in the year 1357, kingdoms in the western part of Sumbawa in eastern part of Sumbawa and start there. Before that the native people on Sumbawa island is a small keiompok groups, each led by a tribal chief. Among the people of this community called Niceki and ethnic community in Samawa called Tau Loka '.
Kingdoms in the East part of Sumbawa is meant is Sanggar, Bima and Dompu.

While in the western part of the Kingdom of Sumbawa Utan Kadali, Militia and Taliwang, as referred to in the book of Negarakertagama. The rise of Islam and the rise of kingdoms which bersendikan religion has been speeding up the process of the collapse of Majapahit Kingdom.
Along with that, the entire Kingdom that existed in Lombok during this was under the Majapahit became independent kingdoms and independent.

Likewise with the kingdoms that existed on the island of Sumbawa. Among the kingdoms on the island of Lombok, the new emancipation, one of the most prominent and well known throughout the country when it was a Kingdom located in Lombok, Lombok Bay now known by the name of Labuan Lombok.
This is Lombok's Empire a few years later by Prince (Sunan) of Prapen, the son of Sunan Giri was made as the basis for the Islamization of Lombok island.

After Sunan Prapen successfully run the task on Lombok island it continues its mission to the island of Sumbawa. In sinipun he managed to successfully spread the religion of Islam.

The death of Sunan Prapen on the basis of strategic considerations, Prabu Rangkesari who replaced the King as the King of Lombok Mumbul moved the capital was originally located in the Bay of Lombok to the former Kingdom of Liberating (the Hindu), i.e. Historically like the name keraiaannya. The Lombok Royal apparently moved the center of these Kingdoms that later became known as the Kingdom of Liberating the Islamic period.

The arrival of the Netherlands, after the Portuguese, the more heat the atmosphere of political and socio-cultural dynamics increases throughout the country, including in all areas of Nusa Tenggara.

With the aim to close the Kristensasi line from East to West by the Portuguese, then in June 1618 in accordance with the tercacat in the Tambo Gowa and Tallo,, conquering the Kingdom of Gowa and unifying the kingdoms that existed in the western part of Sumbawa. Then consecutively in the year 1633, Gowa conquered Bima, Tambora, Sangar and Dompu, as well as the year 1640 subjecting Liberating. But that needs to be dicacat is the conquest-conquest more done with cultural and spiritual way. Peaceful means through marriage between the Royal family and an agreement to maintain the Islamic faith among them.

However, the efforts and the efforts of the Netherlands continuously ruled the Archipelago has slowly mernbawa results, on 18 November 1667 the VOC managed to force the Sultan Hasanuddin as ruler of Gowa to sign a treaty with the Treaty Pongaya. The result of the agreement it is the pullback of Gowa from kingdoms under his rule.

Kingdoms of Karangasem, Bali, who has long coveted the island of Lombok, have managed to master it in 1470 after the Kingdom was doing a fellowship with Arya Banjar Brittle. Since that time the influence of Bali back coloring of social life, politics and culture of the Sasak ethnic group. In addition, the Netherlands would likewise continuously penetrate political and military strength, which eventually gained control of the island of Lombok and Sumbawa until the arrival of Japan who defeated him in 1942.

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